The REAL Josh Stein

Because North Carolinians deserve the FACTS


weak on Sanctuary Cities

Josh Stein is lying to North Carolina families when he claims there are no sanctuary cities in North Carolina. The truth is SEVERAL counties across North Carolina are taking dangerous stands and REFUSING to cooperate with deportation officials and law enforcement.

Meanwhile, with Josh Stein as North Carolina’s Attorney General, criminal illegal aliens are being released back onto the streets.

North Carolina families can’t afford Josh Stein’s dangerous immigration policies.

Josh Stein has made a profession out of deceiving the people of North Carolina, but the facts matter. Stein has a record of allegiance to his national Democrat allies, especially Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. And his record is one of abject failure – as Attorney General and the self-described “top law enforcement officer” in North Carolina, the state has become dramatically less safe.

North Carolinians deserve to know the truth.

The Facts

Kamala Harris' Biggest Fan

Josh Stein is Kamala Harris and Joe Biden's biggest fan in North Carolina.

He wholeheartedly endorsed Kamala Harris and has been an enthusiastic campaigner for her disastrous agenda.

It’s no wonder that California donors have given over a million dollars in political contributions to Stein, and California Gov. Gavin Newsom is now busy raising money for Stein’s campaign. (Sources: North Carolina State Board of Elections, ActBlue)

North Carolina families deserve someone who will work for them – not for Biden, Harris and their elite donors.

A Failure on Crime and Safety

With Josh Stein as the state’s top law enforcement officer, North Carolina has gotten more and more dangerous. 

On the campaign trail Attorney General Stein promised to protect North Carolina families, but here’s what happened in North Carolina under his watch: 

Why would North Carolinians give Stein a promotion when he’s already failing at the job he has?

A Spiking Drug Crisis

Josh Stein promised to confront the opioid crisis, but it turns out that was just another broken campaign promise. 

Here’s what really happened under Stein’s leadership:

Drug overdose deaths in North Carolina have more than doubled

In 2021, 4,041 people in North Carolina lost their lives to overdoses, the highest number of overdose deaths in a single year EVER in North Carolina.

And fentanyl overdose deaths have increased more than 650 percent. 

Stein can’t be trusted to keep North Carolina kids and families safe.

Shutting Down Our Schools

Stein wanted kids shut out of their schools during COVID for nearly a year, praising efforts to shut down in-person learning and criticizing those who wanted a return to the classroom. 

This despite widespread concerns about the impact of learning loss on school-aged children.

Stein was wrong then – and he’s wrong for North Carolina now. 

Paid for by Republican Governors Association